Sarah FraserG-BombsThere are a few plant-based docs I lean on for sound nutrition advice. Dr. T. Colin Campbell of course, the father of nutrition and...
Sarah FraserWhy a plant-based diet?Of all of the numerous diets out there, I sometimes get asked why I chose this one. It's too restrictive people will say. You only live...
Sarah FraserCanada's Food GuideI’m proud to be Canadian for a multitude of reasons but most recently, because of the proposed changes to our nation’s food guide . This...
Sarah FraserWhere do you get your calcium?The next question people always ask me after the protein question is, "where do you get your calcium?" Well, if we look literally at...
Sarah FraserKeepin' it simpleWhen we first started going plant-based, I would try to get fancy with meals. I bought a bunch of cookbooks, scoured pinterest and...
Sarah Fraser2,3,4 I recently completed the T. Colin Campbell plant-based certification course. In this course, they talk about not counting calories or...
Sarah FraserWhere do you get your protein?This is the first question people ask when they find out you’re on a plant-based diet. My question is, why is everyone so concerned...
Sarah FraserKidney StrongHello! My name is Sarah. I'm here to share our story in the hopes that maybe someone out there will read this and feel inspired to...