Hello! and thank you for taking the time to stop by my site. I'm Sarah, wife and mother of 3 with a business background. When my husband Jim was diagnosed with stage 3 chronic kidney disease, I devoted a lot of time to researching the best nutrition plan to help him. All of my research pointed us in the direction of adopting a plant-based lifestyle. Jim was able to halt the progression of his disease and regain normal kidney function.
I furthered my studies by earning a plant based certificate from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and a starch certification through the Dr. McDougall Health and Medical Center. I've made it my mission to explore the healing benefits of plant-based eating.
I started this site to connect with others, particularly those who might find themselves in a similar situation to ours. I'm happy to speak with anyone, with or without a health condition, who is looking to transition to a plant-based lifestyle. There is strength in community and we can learn from each other.
Drop me a line!
Health and healing,